Pig Product
Feed Company Products
Ruminant products
Poultry products
Intestinal health problems - Sporezyme-Plus, Feed intake problems - Lanansu P, Blue ear problems -Circolin/PLA,Farrowing piglet problem - Vitality 1, Sow farrowing problem - Aimite, Mycotoxin problem - Anti-toxin 007, Environment improvement - Mia-Powder
Low Zinc Problems - Zinc Future, Intestinal Health Problems-
Sporezyme-Plus, Feed intake Problems- Miarom P, Feed Antioxidant Problems - MiaRadOx P2, Feed detoxification Problems - Anti-tox 007, Feed Mold Problems -Myco
Calf health, oxidative stress solutions, hoof care, detoxification
Intestinal health problems - Probion, Respiratory problems - Miarom, Egg production quality problems - Maierlin, Liver protection and detoxification - Hepex, One day old chicks' health problems - StartAid Chick Gel, Growth rate problems - Aimite、Mycotoxin problems - Maier 007+Anti-toxin 007
Focus on animal nutrition and immunization to promote the develo pment of animal husbandry
Additive Cooperation Phone:010-88632418